The Sanctuary of Hekate Potnia Theron
Land & Spirit Based Practice
~ Under the auspices of The Covenant of Hekate ~
About the Sanctuary
This sanctuary operates under the auspices of the Covenant of Hekate, and abides by the aims & virtues of the CoH, as well as understanding Hekate primarily as Hekate Soteria, the Cosmic World Soul.
This sanctuary, the material on our site, and any of our projects are all rooted deep within the aspects of Hekate & Nature. We provide information and instruction on how to be devotee of Hekate while honouring the Land and Spirits where a devotee resides. The material on this site is our own work inspired by what we have studied from various sources and experienced ourselves. Despite this practice being a modern one with no cultural or religious ties to anywhere,we always give honour to Hekate's historical roots.
You do not need to be a member of the Covenant of Hekate to join this sanctuary. You can be from any culture, faith and practice, as long as you are a devotee of Hekate and have an affinity for Animals, Nature and the entire Cosmos.
To join, all you need to do is email us and we will send you some questions to answer and we can have a little email chat, then afterwards you will get access to our Discord server where the sanctuary activity takes place. If you have applied on this site to be a member of the CoH, you will automatically be invited to join the sanctuary at the end of that process.
Why would you want to join the sanctuary and what does joining entail? Well, we have a social platform over on Discord, our inner sanctum, where you can get to know other devotees. Casual conversation is as welcome as discussion about Hekate. We have a book club going already, and have plans for group visualisations, rites and workshops, all in that virtual space.
It is not at all necessary to join the sanctuary to utilise any of the material on the website! We hope to get a lot of material put up here over 2024 for any devotee to use in their practice as they wish. If you subscribe to the newsletter you will be alerted when new material is shared and of updates and blog posts. We also have a Patreon where some material will only be shared there along with other bonuses. We have a project launching any day now.