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Deck Review: Tarot of the Unexplained by Davezilla

I am an avid fan of the paranormal, unexplained events, cryptids, aliens, UFOs, and all sorts of mysteries, so I was really excited to get my hands on this deck! 


First off, it follows the standard RWS system, but with some fun twists! In the introduction Davezilla states the deck as being specifically created for those times when there is “high weirdness, Forteana, ghost hunting, cryptids, and people disappearing into portals.” That stated, I experimented with it for several single card answers to questions relating to a mundane but important decision I needed to make, and then a simple 3 card past, present and future spread, related also to that same issue, and I was really pleased to see these cards easily spoke to the situation. 

Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles have been changed to Knockers (Sasquatch), Portals, Ghost and Flying Saucers, and I was interested to read on Davezilla’s site that the people who show up as Fan, Hunter, Advocate and Skeptic (Page, Knight, Queen & King), are based on people he knows (and some whose names would be familiar to many of us as well, such as John E.L. Tenney, a well known investigator of weird phenomena).

A few of the major arcana cards include; The Lock Ness Monster, The Flatwoods Monster, The Jackalope, The Pooka, La Llarona, and The Thunderbird. The minor arcana has numerous ghosts, portals, sasquatch and flying saucers abducting cows!

Davezilla has a website where you can view every card:   The deck has just been released this week (August 5th 2024) and you can purchase it through Amazon, ask your local shop, or through Red Wheel/Weiser directly: 

Thank you for my copy of this really fun deck Red Wheel/Weiser!  


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